Paris Round up by Gabriele Hackworthy

Style Me Romy j’adores Miss Gabriele Hackworthy, creative consultant and fashion reporter for 10TV. Gab had me highly amused this season at fashion week with her candid interviews with the creme de la creme of the fashion pack. From Editors Carine Roitfeld to Olivier Zahn, photographer Mario Sorrenti, Clemence Posey & Lou Doillon, she even had Kate Moss but forgot to press play on her new flip camera! Gab asks the most candid questions, getting the inside scoop on secret fashion crushes and survival tactics for the week from the likes of L’wen Scott, fashion’s biggest stylist’s Brana Wolf, Camille Bidat Waddington, Cathy Kasterine and Charlotte Stockdale. I couldnt get enough of the always eloquent Sarah Mower and hysterical journalist Hadley Freeman. It was Gab’s raw funny antics that made her reports so compelling…. there was no ‘September Issue’ take-themselves-too-serious type of responses.

The dawn of an internet Ab Fab! to watch go to 10magazine